We use OSCAR. It's admittedly not the prettiest EMR, but it has the major advantage of being open-source, meaning we have the ability to add to and make changes to it on our own schedule, instead of needing to wait for a vendor to do so.

Online appointment scheduling is a great example of this - we've integrated OSCAR with an online scheduler to give patients the ability to make, cancel, and reschedule appointments online 24/7. We were even featured on CTV for our online scheduling technology!


We believe technology can and should play a critical role in helping physicians practice medicine. This includes:

  • reducing administrative burdens
  • improving patient care
  • reducing overhead costs
  • reducing mistakes
  • streamlining workflows

Put another way, we believe that technology can make everyone's life better and we will buy or build what we need to achieve this vision.



We deploy technology using three approaches:

  • where possible, we try to license commercially available software.
  • otherwise, small custom projects we will develop internally
  • and large custom projects we will commission from third-parties


Here's some of the technology that we've already deployed, with more on the way.


What: We operate an enterprise virtual desktop infrastructure. Physicians can sign into their virtual desktop from any computer within the clinic or remotely and your desktop and cursor appear exactly where you left off.
Benefit: Your workflow within the clinic is dramatically streamlined and you're able to work remotely exactly the same as if you were onsite.


What: Using a variety of commercial and custom developed systems, patients book online, check-in, and are directed to exam rooms entirely automatically.
Benefit: Our administrative staff are able to spend their time on more valuable tasks that make your life as a physician better. The automation also dramatically reduces mistakes and miscommunication - your patients arrive on time and are prepped and ready to go when you're ready to see them.


What: EMRs can sometimes be incredibly frustrating to use. We have developed our own layer of customizations that tweak how our EMR operates taking into account our specific workflows and needs.
Benefit: Significantly less frustration & fewer clicks and mistakes.


What: Developing custom internal applications is a key part of helping the clinic operate effectively.
Benefit: Workflows are streamlined, clinic staff can work more efficiently, and mistakes are reduced.
Examples: Specific examples include:

  • One-tap label printing using dedicated tablets (to reduce the time to print patient labels)
  • Internal smart-watch based notification systems (to ensure clinic staff are notified of tasks such as if a nurse is needed to give your patient shots)
  • Custom filing and scanning software (to ensure patient documents are correctly and efficiently loaded into the EMR for your review)
  • Vaccine barcode scanning (to minimize data entry needs and to reduce human error)


What: Custom reports and related tools are used to optimize clinician practices.
Benefit: Maximize revenue/billings and minimize potential problems
Examples: Specific examples include:

  • Patient OHIP cards are automatically validated periodically and patients are notified electronically of errors & upcoming renewals (to mimimize billing problems)
  • Internal tools to automatically identify patients excessively using walk-ins (to potentially de-roster such patients)
  • Internal tools to cross-reference internal records against MOH records (to identify roster mistakes)
  • Internal tools to automatically contact patients requiring preventative care (to maximize prevention bonuses)
  • Automatic generation of statistics on next available appointment, third next available appointment, actual vs. expected appointment length, patient wait times, etc... (to enable physicians to optimize and manage their own practices & schedule)