Providing a modern, clean, and comfortable clinical environment for physicians is one of our core goals. One aspect of this is ensuring access to a warm and inviting staff lounge stocked with everyday comforts. Another is working to remove day-to-day frustrations: exam rooms should always have the appropriate supplies; our technology should just work; repairs and maintenance should be promptly undertaken.




A variety of public and private virtual chat rooms are used to facilitate easy collaboration. Looking for a second opinion about how to handle a particular medical issue? Interested in whether anyone has trained with a particular specialist?


We promote the use of shared public workspaces so that people can work in physical proximity. At the same time, private offices & exam rooms are available should you prefer to sometimes work in private.


Where possible, tasks that can be done by administrative staff instead of a physician are diverted. Similarly, where possible, we license or develop custom technology to automate as much as we can. Our goal is to help physicians spend their time and effort caring for patients in a way that maximizes their years of education and training, not doing tedious or administrative tasks.